








1.生产概要 1-1 Specification 规格 Input Voltage 输入电压 220V AC Power Consumption 耗电量 600W Air pump 空气泵 diaphragm pump 膜片式专用泵 Capacity 流量 24L/min (max) Hot Air Temperature 热风温度 100-480℃ Weight 重量 3.3 KG Dimensions 外形尺寸 246mm(L) * 187mm(W) * 127mm(H) 1-2 Function产品特性 *Prevent static electric and creepage to damage the PCB. 防静电设计,防止静电和漏电损坏PCB板。 *Unnecessary touch the PCB, so can avoid moving element and heating impaction. 出风口不必接触PCB板,这样可以避免移动元件,和堵塞出风口。 *Extensively adjust air and temperature and select different nozzle,so it can fit most of SMD. 广泛地调节风量和温度,选择不同的风嘴,这样可以适合大多数贴片。 *Use inlet heating element,the type of heating element and nozzle is same as the international. 采用加热元件,风嘴的类型是国际上通用的。 *Delay to blow air when turn the power switch off,if can protect the automatic. 当关闭电源开关,风量会延迟关闭。输送冷风避免发热芯损坏。 1-3 Usefulness用途 *Fits most of SMD.Such as SOIC,CHIP,QFP,PLCC,BGA etc. 适合大多数贴片,比如SOIC,CHIP,QFP,PLCC,BGA等封装形式。 *Contract hose. 收缩热缩管。 Operating Instructions操作说明 2-1 Before Operation 操作前 *Select the FP Pick-up wire that matches the size the IC. 选择与集成电路块的尺寸大小相匹配的起拔器(注:起拔器需另行购买)。 The Fp Pick-up has an S wire(14mm)attached to it,but an L wire(30mm)may be necessary,depending on the size of the IC.Choose the appropriate wire for the IC. 选择与集成电路尺寸相配合的起拔钢丝。FP起拔器配有小钢丝(14毫米),但可能需要大起拔钢丝(30毫米)。请依照集成电路块尺寸,选择适当的起拔钢丝。 *Select the Nozzle that matches the size of the IC. 选择与集成电路块尺寸相匹配的风嘴。 Attach the Nozzle when both the Pipe and Nozzle are cool. 当管道和风嘴都冷却时再更换风嘴。 *Loosen the screw on the Nozzle. 拧开风嘴的螺丝。 *Attach the Nozzle. 装置风嘴。 *Retighteen the screw properly. 适当地拧紧螺丝。 2-2 QFP Desoldering QFP脱焊 *Plug the power cord into the power supply. 将电源线插入电源供应器。 After connection,the automatic blowing function will start sending air through the pipe,but the Heating Element remains cool. 连接后,自动送风功能将开始通过管道输送空气,但是加热元件保持冷却。 *Turn the power switch on.打开电源开关。 The Power Switch may be turued on at any time while the automatic blowing function,is operating.Once the Power Switch is turned on,the Heating Element will begin to warm up. 当自动送风功能运行的时候,电源开关可随时打开。当电源开关开启时,加热元件开始升温。 *Adjust the Air Flow and Temperature Control Knobs. 调节风量和温度控制按钮。 After adjusting the Air Flow and Temperature Control Knob, wait for the temperature to stabilize for a short period of time.We recommend you to adjust the temperature around 300 to 350 ℃.As for Air flow in case of single nozzle,set the knob 1-5,in another nozzle,set it from 4-8.When using a single nozzle,set the Temperature Control Knob to higher than 6. 调节风量和温度控制按钮之后,稍等一会儿,待温度稳定下来。我们建议您将温度调整到300-350℃左右。至于风量,在单个风嘴的情况下,可以设置在1-5档,另外一个风嘴,可以设置在4-8,。当使用单个风嘴的时候,温度控制按钮设置要高于6. *Place the FP Pick – up under IC lead.